Most golf courses in the UK were built many decades ago, but that’s no excuse to not use modern means of advertising. Any golf course can benefit hugely from broadcasting via social media. But the wrong social media strategy can result in a waste of time and resources. So where should golf clubs focus their efforts?

As we have talked about before, the biggest single asset a golf club has is its beautiful course. That also means it is the biggest single asset to your social media campaigning. Pictures are worth a thousand words and you should take every opportunity to put your course front and centre visually. Whether that be landscape shots, videos of golfers or photos of events, this is the single most important element to capitalise on. Just make sure you’ve gotten permission from the people in frame before you start snapping.

Another focus for social media campaigns can be appealing to the history of your club. When it comes to marketing events – whether that be weddings or Christmas dinners – your clubhouse is a huge selling point. People looking to put on a special occasion will really appreciate the unique atmosphere afforded by a historical clubhouse. You can’t buy authenticity, but you can sell it. 

Social Media Strategy for Golf Clubs – the Key Factor

But most importantly, your social media pages should create the holistic impression you want your club to have. You shouldn’t simply be pushing deals, you should be posting videos, pictures and statements that tell prospective members what it’s like to be a member of your club. It can also contribute to all-important member retention when you make sure to interact with long-standing members. Making members feel valued is a great way to keep them on board. Keeping up the pace of posts is important to maintaining your credibility.

At Mango Golf, we have decades of industry experience alongside a highly trained social media staff (perhaps that’s how you’ve heard of us?) If you want us to take a look at your social media strategy, feel free to book a free 30-minute consultation.