Understanding your needs

We will appraise your current business practices and ensure you are maximising your resources. We will also present ways to improve, save money and generate revenue.

Understanding Your Business

What is important to you?

Understand what is important to you and your business is our starting point. The appraisal helps us to prioritise important issues so we can focus on the most pressing matters and turn obstacles into opportunities.

  • What is important to the club?
  • Where can be improved?
  • What are your goals?
  • Our solution

When we understand these keys issues, we will then break down our appraisal so all parties involved will understand where can be improved. Importantly, we work together every step of the way to succeed together, we want to be your business partner and part of your clubs family.


Implementation of the appraisal comes just before our strategy. it will give us the foundation so we now where to focus our attention. The strategy is the part of the process where MGM will start to make changes and improvements and succeed on the clubs desired outcomes.

Appraisal Criteria

  • Analysis of finances
  • Operational management
  • Feasibility reporting
  • Social media engagement
  • Golf Course management
  • Branding
  • Understanding your members
  • Competitive analysis
  • Secret shoppers
  • Website review 
  • Marketing budget
  • Customer journey
  • Course reviews
  • F&B reviews

Our report will highlight places where can be improved and will provide, on a score basis how you compare to your competitors. 

Fill in your details below and we will be in contact within 24 hours.

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